Use this calculator to convert between head pressure in units of feet and meters of head. There are worked examples at the end of the page.
Conversion from Feet to Meters
Use this calculator to convert between head in feet to head in meters
Feet of head | ft | |
Meters of head | m |
Conversion from Meters to Feet
Use this calculator to convert between head in meter to head in feet
Meters of head | m | |
Feet of head | ft |
Feet to meters
A head pressure of 10 Feet would equal 3.05 Meters of head pressure
Calculations: 10 Feet ÷ 3.2808 = 3.05m
Meters to Feet
A head pressure of 10 meters would equal 32.8 Feet of head
Calculations: 10 meters x 3.2808 = 32.8 Feet